Saturday, July 11, 2009

goodbye, mom

My mom calls every Sunday. WE have the same conversation.

This time when she calls I will not answer. I will not answer when she calls back on Monday. On Tuesday I will tell my psychiatrist of my decision. He and my therapist will be my only support until I meet new friends,

I am 30 years old. I have not spent a single day not thinking about my mom.
When my dad got custody of us after the divorce, my grandmother told me that when we weren't there anymore mom would just lay on the bed and cry. I was 8 years old. My younger brother was 4.

I am taking a college-level art class. I know I have a lot of talent and my own vision by the comments I get from my teacher. She says I have my own unique drawing style. She can recognize my drawings by just looking at them without seeing my name.

I'm at work, so I won't write any more.

I am not going to talk to mom.

I am going to cut her off.

Just to prove I can.

I will not talk to her tomorrow evening.

I will see how it goes when she doesn't hear from me.

If she really loves me, she will understand.

She will not think it's fair.

I will tell my therapist about this.

I know I said I wouldn't write any more before. Now I really will stop.

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